The University of Camerino -
Beginning even before the times of the great literate and jurist Cino from Pistoia, living in Marche in the years 1319-21, and in Camerino in the spring of 1321, Camerino has been a center of learning since no later than 1200, offering degrees in civil law, canonical law, medicine and literary studies. Gregorio XI took the decision upon the request of Gentile III da Varano with the papal edict of 29 January 1377 directed to the commune and to the people authorizing Camerino to confer (after appropriate examination) bachelor and doctoral degrees with apostolic authority. On the 15th of July of the same year, Benedict XIII founds the Universitas Studii Generalis with the faculties of theology, jurisprudence, medicine and mathematics; On April 13th 1753 the emperor Francesco Stefano I of the of Habsburg-Lorena extends the validity of the degrees from Camerino to the whole territory of the Holy Roman Empire and confers to the rector the title of Palatine Count. In 1861, after annexation by the Kingdom of Italy, the university is proclaimed ‘free’ and it remains such up to 1958, when it becomes a State University.

Innovation and quality
Attention to the student is the guideline that determines the choices the University of Camerino makes. This permits the continuation of avantguard ideas and proposals being unleashed from the antique heart of this university. For the first time in Italy UNICAM has introduced procedures of quality control in all its institutional activities, identifying objectives and responsibilities in 3 particular areas:
- Didactics which must work with research, supported by good teaching methods, assured by competent professors (1 for 29 students) and facilitated by good building structures (56 laboratories and 15 libraries).
- Services that offer academic assistance as well as academic counseling. These include orientation and tutoring, that is assistance through the entire academic career of the student.
- services that help the student find work training programs and job placement upon graduation. All this represents a ‘system quality management’ which was certified in July 2003 according to the international norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 by the French certifying company GROUPE AFAQ.
More than 10.000 students attend the University of Camerino today distributed among 5 Schools (Architecture, Pharmacy, Jurisprudence, Veterinary Medicine, Science and Technology), 13 departments and 5 campuses (Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Matelica, Recanati, San Benedetto del Tronto). The university has 620 employees among professors and administrative technical personnel. UNICAM has an important tradition in didactics and scientific research: there are numerous and innovative degrees being offered in the different schools including Masters and many professors have received prestigious national and international recognitions.

The true nature of learning
Besides quality, UNICAM offers the student the necessary tranquility to pursue his studies.
The town of Camerino itself, which has more students than local residents, is like a great university campus immersed in nature.
About the facilities, UNICAM boasts of structures and equipment in continuous development, such as to render the quality of life and learning unique: modern sports facilities on 20,000 square meters (5,000 of which are covered), dormitories for over 600 students, a new campus which will be able to house and additional 200 students, assistance to the disabled, didactic and scientific libraries with 390,000 books and over 500 study stations, 20,000 square meters of research laboratories and 10,000 square meters of classroom area.
The courses of orientation, integration, and tutoring aim to permit the student to complete his academic curriculum in the pre-established time frame. L’UNIVERSITA DI CAMERINO –